Ours is a story that was born in the middle of the last century, when Neapolitan tailoring was already recognized as the pride of the city all over the world for style and elegance. In those years in Naples there were many tailoring shops and among these Arturo Pastena took his first steps who managed over the years to absorb and make his own tailoring techniques. We are in the years of economic recovery and after years of apprenticeship it was time to open your own tailor shop. These are years of passion, enthusiasm and sacrifice, where people work late into the night with scissors, needle and cotton to deliver the dreamed dress to their customers. Over the years the creativity and manual skill of Mr. Arturo is gradually taught to his sons Emanuele and Raffaele, the rest is history of our days where an artisan garment is still a perfect synthesis of ancient sartorial secrets and precious fabrics for create creations that are a sort of second skin for the wearer.

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